Wednesday 13 February 2013

I would like to study architecture at MSA for many reasons. I am impressed by MSA's distinguished reputation and the advantage that will give me in gaining a position after graduating. The fact that your university was voted the best school in the UK for architecture courses appealed to me. I love the city of Manchester and, by all I have heard, it is a very rewarding place to study because of the lively atmosphere and the dynamic cultural life of the city.

I recently visited Barcelona and was fascinated by the works of Antoni Gaudi, especially the Sagrada Familia. My initial reaction was one of amazement when I first saw the building. The grandeur and the sheer scale of the spires is an incredible sight; they seem to tower up into the sky for an eternity. Up close, the decorative stonework makes the building particularly special and unique.  I love the eccentric design of the building; there is no other structure quite like it in the world. I look forward to visiting it again when it is fully completed.

One of my favourite architects is Mies van der Rohe, because I admire the Bauhaus style. I am drawn to designs that are contemporary and minimalist, yet still a wonder to look at. My favourite building by Mies van der Rohe is the Barcelona Pavilion. I find his style of modernist architecture aesthetically pleasing; especially his use of glass as a design feature, and the elegant appearance of his buildings. This is the style I would like to adopt when working as an architect.

One building that I would very much like to experience is Tom Write’s Al Burj Arab, in Dubai. It is said to be the most lavish hotel in the world. It has the tallest open atrium in any building. After seeing pictures of it I have been inspired to create beautiful buildings like it in the future. I want to visit Al Buri Arab so I can absorb the sheer scale of it in person. I also love the eccentricity of the building – in a way it is almost ‘over the top’. It has the highest tennis courts and helipad in the world; it is only 7 star hotel in the world; and it is built on a man-made island. The building is shaped like a sail to reflect the local traditions of seafaring. It is these features that make it truly unique, and that is why I admire it.

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